Why Changing tree

New teaching strategies

We use multi-sensory teaching strategies to overcome learning difficulties.

Conducive environment

We provide calm and hindrance free environment for children to focus on their sessions

Build rapport

We build good rapport with children and parents. We help the children to socialize with their peers and learn together.

Freedom to learn

The child has the freedom to learn on their own pace and time. We plan according to the child's level and ability.

Popular Courses

About Us

Changing Tree is started to help children who have learning difficulties and struggle to cope up with their academics. At changing tree we do assessments for children and find out their strengths and weakness. Once we find out their area of weakness we use multisensory teaching approach to overcome their difficulties and cope well with their academics......We focus more on children with special needs. We also work with children from mainstream schools who have weakness in the areas like language, reading, spelling, communication, understanding and writing. We focus more on activity based learning and learning through play. Here children are given one to one attention and a conducive environment for learning.We build good rapport with the children and sustain friendly relationship with them. We make sure that children enjoy learning and we help them to learn in their own pace. We also get connected with the parents and join hands to work for the betterment of each child who comes to us.


To include children with Learning Disability in the mainstream curriculum and build acceptance in the society.


To create awareness about Learning Disability among parents, teachers and care-takers and Provide Exposure for children to explore and learn.


To learn and grow in their own pace and To motivate, perform and accomplish

Contact Us


Mogappair East,
Chennai-600 037.

No.6/13,OOri Salai

+91 9003276801

Mon to Fri 9am to 8.30pm


Send us your query anytime!